Lyra Cao

About — Lyra Cao

About Me

Hi! My name is Lyra Cao. I am a VIDA Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University working with Keivan Stassun. I did my graduate work with Marc Pinsonneault, culminating in my dissertation: “Starspots and the Magnetic Lives of Stars”.

I work primarily on starspots, young stars, and rapid rotators in the intersection of theory and observation. I enjoy order of magnitude physics, the Yale Rotating Evolutionary Code (YREC), and spectra.


Email me at lyra.cao[at]vanderbilt edu, or cao.lyra[at]gmail com.


Little Smithers, artificer-in-training.
Figure 1. Little Smithers, artificer-in-training.

This website is a LaTeXML-compiled stack of code, living on my Overleaf, linked to my Github, and pushed out to Github Pages through a custom Actions workflow; if you are a fellow artificer or fond of such tricks, drop me a line.